Ben Patton

Thoughts. Technical tips. And other things.

Wonder - Part 1: Experiencing Wonder

We love wonder and yet at the same time many of us are left frustrated by experiences of wonder

November 30, 2020

Thoughts on Styling

Styling is one of the areas in Software Development that everyone has opinions on

November 25, 2020

Coding & Leaf By Niggle - Part 1

He had this grand vision of a beautiful landscape, but he could never paint the leaf the way he wanted it

November 21, 2020

When to Use Static Generation v.s. Server-side Rendering

This is originally a pre-rendered blog post from Next JS. I have added my own thoughts at the end of this blog

November 20, 2020

Two Forms of Pre-rendering

This is originally a pre-rendered blog post from Next JS. I have added my own thoughts at the end of this blog

November 20, 2020

Journey To Code: How I Got Here - Part 2

It was around early June that I stumbled upon Coding Bootcamps

September 8, 2020

Journey To Code: How I Got Here - Part 1

So, I am finally here to talk about my journey to code

September 8, 2020

Coding Bootcamp - Week 5

It is honestly hard to believe we are five weeks into our coding bootcamp

September 7, 2020

Coding Bootcamp - Week 3

This week was one of the more difficult conceptually

August 31, 2020

Javascript Beginnings

I am now seeing the value of having kept this blog up either on a daily

August 23, 2020

CSS & Divs the beginning stages of learning how to do web development, we learned that there are so…many…divs

August 18, 2020

Coding Bootcamp Begins

I started coding bootcamp with Jack Russell Coding School

August 13, 2020

Coding Bootcamp: Week 4 - Functional Programming Part 1 & Part 2

So my goal is to keep this super, I mean incredibly super, basic
