Nextjs Migration Course Launch on Egghead

August 12, 2023

Nextjs Migration Course og Image

I have a new course up on egghead! Anyone who has paid attention to React and Nextjs within the last year/few months will no doubt know that there have been a lot of changes.

This course, Migrate Next.js Application to App Router, shows how to migrate authentication, layouts, pages, and more to the app router. We also cover Server Comopnents, new route handlers, and new React hooks like useOptimistic and useFormStatus.

Should you want/need to use the app router and have the ability to move your code base over, this is a great starting point.

As api’s and things become actually stable and we have clarity on how to use them, then the course will be updated. Much of this is waiting on the Nextjs and React teams to communicate with confidence how to implement and use new patterns and practices effectively.