Ben Patton

Thoughts. Technical tips. And other things.

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Playing the Fool

December 22, 2024

My recent posts have shown that I am doing some level of investigation/introspection. As with most things, I have a mind palace of resources it just takes me some time to remember I have some draws that have good things stowed away. Forgive me for the Sherlock Holmes reference, I am nowhere close to having a mind palace. It is more like a unorganized mind man cave where I find old boxes I forgot I have.

Anyways, one of these resources that has been incredibly helpful to me time and again is this video below from Ethan Hawke. Please give it a watch as everything I will probably say for the next few days is from this video.

I have been thinking about this video today and has provided much needed motivation/encouragement when it comes to creative pursuits. One of the things that I cripples me is in some form or another feeling like I don’t belong in these different creative communities. I also, to quote Ethan Hawke in the video, “feel like I have to offer the world something of value”.

The primary take away today is that it is okay to feel like and play a fool in pursuit of creativity, what you love, or the things you want to do. Maybe you love building and solving things but you don’t always love the problem you are solving. That’s ok because your creativity, art, love is the things you are doing. This can take its form in many ways but the point is it is ok to play the fool. There is a strange freedom to be found in it.