Bug Hunting - AWS S3 Fetching in onClick

My final project for my coding bootcamp is an Invoice App

December 14, 2020
2 mins to read

React - On Using Environment Files in the Client

I needed environment files on a client side app

December 8, 2020
2 mins to read

Thoughts on Styling

Styling is one of the areas in Software Development that everyone has opinions on

November 25, 2020
2 mins to read

When to Use Static Generation v.s. Server-side Rendering

This is originally a pre-rendered blog post from Next JS. I have added my own thoughts at the end of this blog

November 20, 2020
1 mins to read

Two Forms of Pre-rendering

This is originally a pre-rendered blog post from Next JS. I have added my own thoughts at the end of this blog

November 20, 2020
1 mins to read

Journey To Code: How I Got Here - Part 2

It was around early June that I stumbled upon Coding Bootcamps

September 8, 2020
3 mins to read

Journey To Code: How I Got Here - Part 1

So, I am finally here to talk about my journey to code

September 8, 2020
3 mins to read

Coding Bootcamp - Week 5

It is honestly hard to believe we are five weeks into our coding bootcamp

September 7, 2020
2 mins to read

Coding Bootcamp: Week 4 - Functional Programming Part 1 & Part 2

So my goal is to keep this super, I mean incredibly super, basic

2 mins to read

Coding Bootcamp - Week 3

This week was one of the more difficult conceptually

August 31, 2020
1 mins to read

Javascript Beginnings

I am now seeing the value of having kept this blog up either on a daily

August 23, 2020
2 mins to read

CSS & Div's

...in the beginning stages of learning how to do web development, we learned that there are so…many…div’s

August 18, 2020
3 mins to read

Coding Bootcamp Begins

I started coding bootcamp with Jack Russell Coding School

August 13, 2020
1 mins to read