The State of the Application

Seeking a More Perfect Understanding of State in Application Development

August 22, 2022
3 mins to read

Why React

How starting with HTML, CSS, and Javascript helps build gratitude for libraries and frameworks.

August 8, 2022
4 mins to read

When to Use Static Generation v.s. Server-side Rendering

This is originally a pre-rendered blog post from Next JS. I have added my own thoughts at the end of this blog

November 20, 2020
1 mins to read

Two Forms of Pre-rendering

This is originally a pre-rendered blog post from Next JS. I have added my own thoughts at the end of this blog

November 20, 2020
1 mins to read

Javascript Beginnings

I am now seeing the value of having kept this blog up either on a daily

August 23, 2020
2 mins to read