Journey to DevRel: Back To The Basics

Making a Plan To Do The Things I Say I Want To Do

August 20, 2022
3 mins to read

Migrating from Heroku to Render

I have seen various conversations where people want to migrate from Heroku to another service

May 6, 2022
5 mins to read

My Take On 'The Minimum Spanning Stack'

I thought about how useful this can be to businesses as well

January 29, 2022
7 mins to read

Practice: On Showing Up

I have been applying to jobs lately

January 29, 2022
3 mins to read

Developing Developers

I had very inspiring call today

November 19, 2021
2 mins to read

Niching Down

I think I have finally decided what I want to pursue as a Developer

November 18, 2021
3 mins to read

The Working Genius Assessment — Understanding The Work We Do

As a recap, here are the six types of Working Genius

November 12, 2021
3 mins to read

How an Assessment to Help With Work Helped Me Understand My Wife

Conflict is not my forte

November 12, 2021
3 mins to read

Working Genius

I have done a lot of reflection the past couple of months

November 10, 2021
4 mins to read

Design Systems

This is where the very annoying and frustrating answer comes in, ‘it depends'

November 9, 2021
2 mins to read

Transforming Your Work

Over the past year I have been in 6 different jobs

November 8, 2021
3 mins to read

Internal Struggles While Seeking to Make Change

I have noticed some unwelcome guests and attitudes in my day to day life

November 5, 2021
2 mins to read


Inevitably we all face change in life

November 4, 2021
1 mins to read

Introspective Marketing

I have been reading and listening to a lot of what Seth Godin

November 3, 2021
1 mins to read

Business as a Service

Recently I was able to put into words

November 2, 2021
2 mins to read

Doing Less: An Art

Yesterday I mentioned a way in which junior developers and startups can slow down

November 1, 2021
3 mins to read

Junior Developers & Startups

For startups there are many risks

October 31, 2021
2 mins to read

Shovels and Pick Axes

I just thought I’d mention briefly the perspective on the day

October 30, 2021
1 mins to read

The Experience Paradox: Solutions

I want to provide the few solutions that I have seen

October 29, 2021
2 mins to read

The Experience Paradox

The experience paradox. This is not a new problem.

October 28, 2021
1 mins to read